Gut gladiators

Features That Make Everything Easy

I offer coaching services both online and in person, where my main focus is on helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. I believe that a crucial aspect in attaining these goals lies in analysing possible intolerances. Whether it’s through virtual sessions or face-to-face interactions, I am dedicated to providing guidance and support to those who have been lifting weights for a considerable period of time but haven’t seen the desired progress. My approach is centred around identifying potential intolerances that may be hindering their progress, and working together to develop tailored strategies that can lead them towards their fitness aspirations.

  • Meal Planning

    With freedom to chose from lots of meals that fit your macros

  • Food intolerances

    Meal planning allows for removal of ingredients with keywords

  • Workouts

    Have a workout plan that fits your routine and available equipment.

  • Shopping Lists

    Shopping lists generated from your meal plan makes staying on track a walk in the park (or supermarket)

  • Habit Coaching

    Get notifications to keep you on track

Choose an online coach carefully​

For online coaching I do not like to work with complete beginners. Sorry. It’s nothing personal, I strongly feel online coaching isn’t the correct coaching for a complete beginner. I think online coaches will happily take your money and give you a program. But working in a gym I see first hand it doesn’t work. The amount of people I’ve had come up to me with an online coach, asking them how they do an exercise!

When you start resistance training you should learn the fundamentals of movement and how to perform exercises with good form. A good coach should be analysing every movement you make and feeding back to you. Once you are comfortably able to squat to depth, press correctly, deadlift with good posture etc. then I believe online coaching can be majorly positive.


Book a consultation, let's have a chat

Build Your Body, mind and repair your gut

my goal


What Clients Say



Online & In Person options. Further pricing for more in person sessions per week can be found on our Fresha booking page under Memberships

1 In Person Session pw

£ 128
4 in person sessions (at The Gym Chesterfield) in a month period.
Includes training plan & meal plan
StrongrFastr App
Extra nutrtional help and guidance to manage food intolerances

Online Coaching

£ 160
Initial Video Consultation
1 x 15 minute check in pw
Form analysis videos
Training plan & Customised meal plan aimed at discovering intolerances and aiding performance.
StrongrFastr App

1 Session pw + Extra Nutrition

£ 200
4 in person sessions (at The Gym Chesterfield) in a month period.
Includes training plan & meal plan
StrongrFastr App
Extra nutritional help and guidance to manage food intolerances

Online Coaching

Gym Group Chesterfield Special
£ 60
Initial Consultation at The Gym
Includes training plan & meal plan
StrongrFastr App
Book One Off Form Check sessions for just £30

Ready To fix your gut

and get shredded?

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gut gladiators

Battle food intolerances, boost performance



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© 2023 GutGladiators a trading name of Adrian Michael